# Overview

fizz 2.0 adopts a modular design, including:

  • fizz-spring-boot-starter module to facilitate third parties to quickly integrate fizz gateway.

  • fizz-bootstrap module, a demonstration module that shows how third parties integrate fizz. It is recommended that third parties use this module as a skeleton application gateway and conduct secondary development.

The following uses the example of the gateway log plug-in to introduce the topic.

# Integrate fizz gateway

# Adjust pom

Configure properties

     <!-- These properties specify the version of the gateway dependency -->

Add fizz gateway dependency



This is a legacy test package, please do not use it.

# Adjust configuration

Copy the js directory, application.yml, and log4j2-spring.xml under the resources of the fizz-bootstrap module to the corresponding location of the current project, and adjust:

Manage the backend redis for the gateway;

If it is not for performance testing, you can adjust the log level in log4j2-spring.xml to info/debug.

# Project startup class

Copy FizzBootstrapApplication.java of fizz-bootstrap to the project source code directory. The name can be adjusted. Run the startup class. If there is no error log, it means that fizz is introduced successfully.

# Development log plug-in

The development of plug-ins includes adding plug-in definitions, writing plug-in filters, and managing background application configurations.

# Add new plug-in definition in the management background

     The plug-in name is also the plug-in id and must be unique, and order is the execution order of the plug-in, which is also the order in which the plug-in is displayed on the interface.
     Form definition:
             "label":"Print request id log",
             "label":"Add fizzRsv request header",
     The front-end of the management background generates the plug-in configuration form accordingly.

###Writing plug-in filters

     @Component(LogPluginFilter.LOG_PLUGIN_FILTER) // Consistent with the plug-in id above
     public class LogPluginFilter extends PluginFilter {
         private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogPluginFilter.class);
         public static final String LOG_PLUGIN_FILTER = "logPlugin";
         public Mono<Void> doFilter(ServerWebExchange exchange, Map<String, Object> config, String fixedConfig) {
             String rid = exchange.getRequest().getId();
             Boolean logReqId = (Boolean) config.get("logReqId"); // Whether to print the request id log, that is, the above definition, can be configured through the management background
             if (logReqId == null || logReqId) {
                 log.info(exchange.getRequest().getURI().toString() + " request id: " + rid);
             Boolean appendFizzGateRsv = (Boolean) config.get("appendFizzGateRsv");
             if (appendFizzGateRsv == null || appendFizzGateRsv) {
                 WebUtils.appendHeader(exchange, "FIZZ-RSV", rid);
             return WebUtils.transmitSuccessFilterResultAndEmptyMono(exchange, LOG_PLUGIN_FILTER, null); // Save the plug-in execution result and return

     The plug-in must be a spring Component (or sub-annotation), and the scanBasePackages of the project startup class must override the plug-in's pkg;
     The plug-in implements two functions, recording the request id log, and adding the FIZZ-RSV request header when forwarding the request, and the function can be turned on or off.

# Apply plugin


Routing application plug-in:

The "print request id log" and "add fizzRsv request header" configured above correspond to

public Mono<Void> doFilter(ServerWebExchange exchange, Map<String, Object> config, String fixedConfig)

In the config's logReqId and appendFizzGateRsv key, restart the project and access the previous route. If there is corresponding log output, it means that the plug-in is effective.