##Startup script

Service Startup script path Startup command
fizz-gateway-node fizz-gateway-node/boot.sh Execute ./boot.sh start command to start the service,
support start/stop/restart/status command
fizz-manager-professional fizz-manager-professional/ boot.sh Execute ./boot.sh start command to start the service,
support start/stop/restart/status command

# System Configuration

Service Configuration file path
fizz-gateway-node fizz-gateway-node/application.yml
fizz-manager-professional fizz-manager-professional/application-prod.yml

# Daily troubleshooting

Service Log Path
fizz-gateway-node fizz-gateway-node/logs/*
fizz-manager-professional fizz-manager-professional/logs/*

# Data cleaning

Services Clean content Solutions
fizz-manager-professional Traffic statistics Traffic statistics are stored in the
tb_flow_stat* table of the MySQL database. The program will regularly clean up data that exceeds the
specified time. You can adjust the number by modifying the configuration items.
The time the data is saved.
Configuration items:
# Traffic statistics 10s data save time
interval-ten-seconds-data-save-minutes: 2880< br/> # Traffic statistics 1m data save time
interval-one-minute-data-save-minutes: 2880
# Traffic statistics 5m data save time
interval-five-minutes-data- save-minutes: 2880
# Traffic statistics 1h data saving time
interval-one-hour-data-save-minutes: 172800
# Traffic statistics 1d data saving time
interval- one-day-data-save-minutes: 2628000
fizz-manager-professional Request source statistics Request source statistics are stored in the
tb_source_stat table of the MySQL database. The program will regularly clean
data that exceeds the specified time. You can modify the configuration items< br/>Adjust the data saving time.
Configuration items:
# key: grouping, value: number of days to save
delete-source-stat-data-config:{'c': 10}
fizz-manager-professional Gateway log data Gateway log data is stored in the
tb_gateway_log table of the MySQL database. The program will regularly clean
data that exceeds the specified time, and you can modify the configuration items<br/ >Adjust the time for data saving.
Configuration items:
# The number of days the gateway log is saved. The amount of logs saved by the gateway affects
the page query speed. This parameter can be adjusted according to the actual situation
fizz-log -save-days: 2

Note: Database, cache or log